AWM Modules
AWM which stands for Aasaan Waste Management is a complete ERP solution for any business working in the Waste Management and Recycling industry. This is a cloud based solution and allows all your stakeholder (Customers, Vendors, Management, Employees) to login to the system through their computer systems, mobile phones, tablets and any other supported devices. Based on the access management, all these stakeholders can see modules and activities related to them and the CEO can have an overall look of the business through our detailed dashboards. Here are few modules to give you a glance of capacity of this portal:
CRM (Client Relationship Management)
Now you can easily manage your prospects / leads, your clients and manage a proper sales funnel specially designed for the waste management industry. You can add all the information related to a client along with reports for client conversion, new clients added, clients renewed (applicable for service based industry) and much more.
Purchase Management
Register waste purchase from your customer, generate quotation, purchase orders and manage logistics against your purchase in an easy manner. It just takes clicks to go from one state to another with easy to fill forms.
Sales Management
Sell your waste or recycled material to the vendors and manage it easily on Aasaan Waste Management portal with few clicks and generate detailed reports to get a detailed insight in your business. We have specially designed this part for the waste management industry.
It is extremely smooth right from capturing the sales to generate invoices, sending them over email or any other media. Capturing payments against the sales order is integrated in the sales entry itself.
Whether you are a waste recycler or waste trader or may be a waste picker. We have designed our service module in such a way that it caters to the needs of all types of businesses under waste management. For example it could be E-waste management, Hazardous waste, Biomedical Waste, Paper Recycling, Metal Recycling, Municipal Waste or Solid Waste Management.
Here you can easily manage services for individual clients or multiple clients (particularly the route management). Generating bulk invoices is a cake walk here. You can generate individual invoices and consolidated invoices (invoices for more than one services given in particular duration)
Billing & Payment
Along with sales you can generate invoices, accept bills and manage payments easily with this module. We have made it very easy to see what all invoices are pending for the payments for any client. You can receive payments through payment gateways or can capture payments through our application. Proper accounting vouchers will be created against them so as to save your time handling the accounting part separately.
This part has got absolutely special features particularly designed for the waste management industry. Not only for the waste management as a whole but we have given enough attention to the varying structure in different domains under waste management.
Accounting & Finance
AWM gives you an easy to use accounting system with all the flexibility to work across the world. It has got everything that any good accounting system in the world can have along with its character of being designed for the Waste management and recycling industry.
In case you have your own accounting software in place, AWM allows you the flexibility to integrate it with our portal.
Inventory Management
You just need to focus on your sales and purchase and leave the rest of the part of managing your day to day inventory on our waste management portal. You can decide through our sales and purchase modules what all you would like to influence through inventory.
If you are into waste recycling and do segregation , then you can even manage the inventory in case your one item is being segregated into multiple items.
Operations Management
Waste management and recycling as an industry depends a lot on contract labour and managing the regular expenses and payments on contract labour is a tedious task. AWM (Aasaan Waste Management) has made it very easy and gives you detailed insights.
Not only this , through our operations management module, you can manage garbage segregation records, contract labour management, operational expenditure and much more.
This is a complete module in itself for any waste management business or waste hauler or waste recycling company. We have integrated a GPS system to manage your vehicles on the go. Route tracking is one of the star modules for the service industry in particular. Now you know what all clients waste has been picked up by which vehicle and when. It is enabled through Google Maps and QR code scanning.
You can manage purchase collection and sales delivery while taking care of Vehicles, Drivers, support staff, collection number or much more whatever applies to you.
Managing Vehicle records is easy with our full fledged modules. Whether you own the vehicle or you hire it, AWM will take care of it with all the minor details and give your alerts and reminders when required.
Human Resource Management
A complete HR management solution for the waste management and recycling industry. You can manage your employees, their time sheet, expenses, documents and much more.
Payroll management and Recruitment management has been covered in detail so that you need not to look for any HR management alternative.
Complaint & Helpdesk
This module takes care of any issues or complaints raised either by your customer or may be through your internal employees.